
The herniation of the pelvic organs to or beyond the vaginal walls.  Bladder, bowel, or uterus are all surrounding organs that can potentially herniate into the vagina.
Patients with Prolapse may present with symptoms related specifically to the prolapsed structures.  A bulge or symptoms of vaginal pressure are present, together with associated symptoms including recurrent UTIs, difficulties emptying the bladder or rectum or sexual dysfunction. Symptoms such as low back or pelvic pain can also be attributed to prolapse. Other causes of pain would need to be excluded and a pelvic scan would be warranted to most cases.

A medical history is important to elicit prolapse-associated symptoms, since treatment is generally indicated only for symptomatic prolapse.  A prolapse is diagnosed on pelvic examination.

Treatment options range from conservative methods such as physiotherapy and pelvic floor exercises, to surgery with aims to correct the prolapse. At Sunnybank Centre for Women, we can guide you through your many options and tailor your treatment according to the severity of your symptoms and your goals. 
Suite 5 171 McCollough Street
Sunnybank QLD 4109